Wow – flying from Manchester to JFK and onto San Diego with no delays or interrogations? I almost don’t believe it…maybe America’s loosening up in anticipation of a new President, maybe it’s no longer realistic to put Husseins on the Do Not Fly list or perhaps I just got lucky 🙂
During the next few days I’ll be hopping around California and Washington for…
- O’Reilly’s Emerging Technology 2008 conference. I’ve been to three prior ETechs between 2004 and 2008 – the first two did nothing less than change my world-view on technology and the third helped me to find the confidence to strike out on my own. 2007 was a bif of an O’Reilly bust for me with the cancellation of ETel, being unable to travel and deliver my talk for Web 2.0 Expo and having to cancel plans for Foo Camp. San Diego holds a lotta good memories for me, so it’s lovely to be back in the City and also a programme that returning ETech to its roots, away from the noise of Web 2.0 and back to the cutting edge of knowledge – this time including personal genomics, hacking UAVs, emerging tech in emerging markets, policy development and data visualisation. Holy crap I think I’m going to pass out from the anticipation!
- Next up, I’ll be spending the coming weekend with my great friends Aaron and Chrissey in Seattle. hanging out, discussing world changing ideas, shopping for a Time Capsule and maybe – just maybe – a trip to the Evil Campus. If I had more time, I’d love to return to Vancouver or visit Surj and Rael over in Portland.
- Finally I’ll be back in the Bay Area for Emerging Communications 2008. I’ve been part of the advisory board since late last year and throughly looking forward to meeting many of the people we’ve got scheduled…I’m pretty sure we can keep the ETel movement alive through eComm.
- During eComm, I’m planning to sneak out and meet Marina Gorbis from the Institute for the Future and some of the people working on IFTF’s Future of Faith programme…I’ll be trying to find out how Believr should work with IFTF…also I’m planning to swing by Citizen Space to meet Tara and pinch some coworking ideas for Old Broadcasting House.
My usual group isn’t around – but I’m hoping to see some familiar faces this evening… 🙂