Previewing b.TWEEN 2007

Btween_2Pixels, Polygons and Code return to my hometown next week with Katz Kiely’s 2007 edition of B.TWEEN, the Britain’s biggest interactive media gathering.
This year’s themes include…

  • branding, marketing & broadcasting in the changing media landscape
  • co-design
  • online communities
  • exits for Web 2.0 startups

There’ll be a bunch of Quickfire sessions, some workshop sessions, what looks to be a really interesting gallery of interactive works, one to one sessions with delegates 7 speakers as well as an amazing lineup of keynotes…including a few old and new chums (Charles Cecil, Sam Sethi, Ed French, Jonathan Jowitt & Peter Cowley).

Lemme know if you’re coming, at B.TWEEN’s Facebook or Upcoming listing. See you next week 🙂

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