AimliteAOL’s Greenhouse technology incubator just released a basic edition of AIM entitled AIM ET. AIM’s horrendous UI has always turned me off…and as good as Gaim is, I use it infrequently simply because it doesn’t minimise to the System Tray. So until I switch to Macs and iChat, ET will be perfect.

ET is actually very un-AOL; simple, attractive, fun, usable, ad-free and most importantly – un-noying. The 1.6mb download gives you basic messaging, a cute UI and file transfer – nothing more. I wonder if this indicates a trend in stylish, no-frills MUJI-pplications? Windows Live Messenger could stand to lose a few pounds…

OMG ET’s WTF button?! It stands for What’s This For? LOL 😉


2 responses to “AIM ET”

  1. I agree that AOL UI is horrible, as well as the app for PC is heavy and slooow. I use meebo on my firefox and runs pretty smooth. The bad thing is that there is no file transfer u_u

  2. Rexene J Henry Avatar
    Rexene J Henry

    Can not use my aim account as AOL changed the format. Now when I try to log on and retreive my email all I get is loading…then error, sorry try again. This has been going on since 12:01 Oct.1,2007 until today 1230PM Oct. 6,2007. HELP

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