Coding – The SQL

Logo_2It’s a long time since I’ve been a developer; February 1998, over eight years ago at Creative Convergence. Today, in order to help my brother out with his university assignments and also to start skilling up for the future…I taught myself some basic MySQL and PHP!

Essentially, I had to extract some product information from a database table and display it:

  • Create an HTML template (no CSS skills yet I’m afraid…)
  • Create the SQL to generate the data model.
  • Write some PHP to create database connections and run basic SQL queries.
  • Format the query results into a table.

Dammit, it’s taken me from 8pm to 2am, but I’ve cracked it – don’t laugh, I’m still learning, but here’re the first results… – well anyway, over to Farhan now to do the hard stuff!


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