
Earlier today, I got talking to Tom Scott about organising simultaneous BarCamp events in Leeds, York and Manchester next year…I could then jetpack across the Pennines after presenting a session in Leeds and re-run it in Manchester 🙂 Epiphany! Never mind Barcamps, why has no one run an alternate reality version of 8-bit classic Jetpac! […]

Tilt SCREAM Pong

Cute, clever & fun 🙂 Taking a cue from the Wii Remote, Future Feeder‘s Tilt SCREAM Pong uses a MacBook Pro‘s sudden motion sensor to control the paddle in a regular game of Pong – tilting your MacBook, moves the paddle! In a cute little twist that utilises the integrated mic, screaming at your Mac […]


Trippy. If I didn’t have to reboot my MacBook from OSX to Windows everytime I wanted to play Binary Zoo’s Echoes, I’d be completely addicted… Echoes is a slick, psychedelic interpretation of Asteroids, with added Binary Zoo powerup craziness. Echoes is to Stardust, what Super Stardust is to Asteroids…though fortunately, it doesn’t make my eyes […]

Northern Exposure 07

‘ve been invited to speak at next month’s inaugural Northern Exposure conference, organised by Game Republic and Game Horizon. The programme includes sessions from Team 17’s Martyn Brown and Charles Cecil of Revolution Software I’ll be speaking about how a number of emerging technologies and trends may intersect the gaming industry – from the design […]

Little Big Planet

Could this be enough to tempt me into buying a PS3…a game from the makers of Rag Doll Kung Fu AND a soundtrack by  The Go! Team?! The clip above isn’t  half as impressive as the level creation capabilities built into the game itself 🙂

I have an irritating habit – whenever I hear a three-letter acronym, my brain starts working on smutty, childish, innappropriate variations. Someone usually has to tell me to stop. In the last few minutes, Aaron and I ping-pong’d out the following from ‘LCD’… Lonely Cantankerous Drunk Lizard Cock Dunker Lovely Cock Deepthroater Lying Crap Distribution […]

Ever Wanted To Be Somewhere Else?

Woah. Is this what would happen if Charlie Kaufmann was writing videogames? Valve‘s Portal looks like a physics-mashing blend of Being John Malkovich and the ACME Portable Hole; the trailer is even reminiscent of the movie’s LesterCorp orientation films. I’ve been very critical of the state of innovation in the games industry, but it seems as […]

PSP The Beautiful Script

Ali’s work for Sony’s UK launch of the PSP finally debuted at the Dray Walk Gallery as part of the PSP The Beautiful Script exhibition. I was in London for a few meetings yesterday and decided to catch the show while it was still running…I’ve uploaded my photos of the event, and the area around […]