Category: Conference
Le Web 3 – Day One
Le Web 3 has been disappointing – though I’m not sure, whether this is due to an underwhelming programme or simply that general debate on 2.0 has not progressed much lately; I had a similar feeling after this year’s ETech…but that maybe because my expectations increase with each year 🙂 The underlying tone of Le…
EuroOSCON – Day Three
My snips from today’s closing sessions at Euro OSCON… Robert Lefkowitz’s Architecting Babel raised some interesting questions on the quality of open source, notably the human language in which source code is available – code isnt usually localised for the developer, though the user is catered for. Lefkowitz argues that the open source community is…
EuroOSCON – Day Two
Blipverts, from the second day of Euro OSCON… Tom Steinberg took the audience on a rapid-fire journey through the work of MySociety,org – – their achievements include Pledgebank, TheyWorkForYou and others. Steinberg closed by proffering advice on how to launch successful and effective eDemocracy projects. Tom also later ran a session titled Democracy: A…
EuroOSCON – Day One
Today’s highlights… Tim O’Reilly speculated about the future of open source software in Open Source 2.0. Tim described how in an era of hosted software, open source needed to evolve into open data. As the power of hosted software has shifted from source code to data, open data becomes essential to perpetuate the open source…
EuroOSCON – Day Zero
I arrived in the midst of EuroFOO, hence as a FOO alumni, was tempted to compere the US and European editions. So I snuck upstairs to the floor of the Hotel Le Plaza where EuroFOO was taking place. My first day of EuroOSCON was actually a pair of tutorials: Marcel Molina’s Ruby On Rails was…
Foo Time
Only eleven days to Foo Camp – here’s a map of where campers are travelling from and an aggregate feed of all campers’ blogs…I’m excited and anxious: A Tale Of Two Lists – as well as the privilege of being a sophomore Foo, I also have the added pleasure of being a member of the…