Category: Conference
FooCamp 2007
…for the next six days, I’m back at the edge of the world. I’ve been fortunate enough to be invited back to Foo Camp for a third consecutive year…it was a little weird as some of my friends didn’t get a callback, but others got a re-vite, after a year away. I can’t wait π I…
After a week of scorching sunshine, the first day of b.TWEEN 2007 unfortunately coincided with a bout of torrential rain – and it happened to last the duration of the conference π I missed the VIP evening (long story…) and the first sessions of Day One, but arrived to find out my old Orange colleague …
Previewing b.TWEEN 2007
Pixels, Polygons and Code return to my hometown next week with Katz Kiely’s 2007 edition of B.TWEEN, the Britain’s biggest interactive media gathering.This year’s themes include… branding, marketing & broadcasting in the changing media landscape co-design online communities exits for Web 2.0 startups There’ll be a bunch of Quickfire sessions, some workshop sessions, what looks…
BarCamp Sheffield Snippets…
This weekend saw the first BarCamp event in the North of England, organised by Plusnet‘s Dean Sadler at the ISP’s offices in central Sheffield. As a two-time FooCamper and part of the blogging conferenceratti, my expectations of BarCamp Sheffield were pretty modest, however I was pleased to see that startup culture and the 2.0 generation…
BA Festival Of Science
I’ve been asked to speak about emerging trends in communication technology at this September’s BA Festival Of Science in York. My segment is one of four ‘debate areas’ along with Nanotech, Assisted Living and Sustainable Building/Production. It’s a ways off, but I think I’ll focus on social media and the intersection of communities, entertainment and…
Northern Exposure 07
‘ve been invited to speak at next month’s inaugural Northern Exposure conference, organised by Game Republic and Game Horizon. The programme includes sessions from Team 17’s Martyn Brown and Charles Cecil of Revolution Software I’ll be speaking about how a number of emerging technologies and trends may intersect the gaming industry – from the design…
UC Berkeley – Information & Service Design Symposium
Last month, Surj and I were lucky enough to attend UC Berkeley’s inaugural symposium on Information & Service Design at the iSchool. Unfortunately I was an hour late and missed the first group of sessions. Rich drove me from Burlingame to Berkeley…via, um, a circuitous search pattern, involving a wrong turn into Oakland, a slingshot…
ETel – Day One & Two
My snippets from the first day of Emerging Telephony… Nokia continues to say all the right things…as well as the usual stories of mobile payments and convergence devices, Tero OjanperΓ€ namechecked augmented reality applications; refreshingly Nokia understands that the path to proliferation for such technologies is an open and inclusive developer community. Rajesh Veeraraghavan, of…
ETel – Day Zero
My snippets from the workshops day at ETel 2007… Breakfast with Brady, Anish, Bruce and Serena – Brady scared be my taking me to one side, but actually wanted to introduce Carbon to Mark and Bryce at O’Reilly AlphaTech Ventures π I’ve been looking forward to Sean Moss-Pulko’s segment on OpenMoko and the Neo1973 since…
Le Web 3 – Day Two
Like day one, Day Two appeared to be just as underwhelming – honestly, the programme seemed forgettable, but again there were some highlights, notably those segments with a political bent to the day… Shimon Peres, Israel’s noted statesman and Deputy Prime Minister spoke eloquently of the intersection of globalism, technology and politics. Though uplifting and…