Author: imran
Northern Exposure 07
‘ve been invited to speak at next month’s inaugural Northern Exposure conference, organised by Game Republic and Game Horizon. The programme includes sessions from Team 17’s Martyn Brown and Charles Cecil of Revolution Software I’ll be speaking about how a number of emerging technologies and trends may intersect the gaming industry – from the design…
I’m not a big fan of desktop widgets – they’re mostly clutter. However, Cyan’s TunesTEXT for OSX’s Dashboard is actually pretty useful. Like the Last.FM’s iScrobbler, TunesTEXT monitors what you’re listening to in iTunes. However, rather than blogging your listening, TunesTEXT attempts to find the lyrics for your Now Playing track from a bunch of…
A Command Line For Your TV
Sky now offer the ability to programme their Sky+ PVRs remotely via the web, SMS or a mobile application, using their Remote Record services. I love that the SMS options now essential provides a command line interface for television – very geek 🙂 I wonder if mobile incantations such as ‘Cold Case. Sky1. 06/04. 11:30’…
Danny Boyle doin’ SF? Neat! I’ve been looking forward to seeing Sunshine (as most Brits do…!) since catching the trailer at a showing of Hot Fuzz. — The story – a mission to re-ignite a dying Sun with a ‘stellar bomb’ – draws many of its central themes, of spirituality, nature and exploration, from science-fiction…
Not only was I Time Magazine’s Person Of The Year in 2006, but I’ll be adorning the cover of the next issue of Wired – a special edition on my startup Carbon and some of our projects. If you’d like to also be featured in Wired, click here… Damn…April Fool’s was ten days ago 🙁
Springwise is covering the private-beta launch of ILetYou today; an interesting service that enables users to rent their private DVD collections as a kinda micro-Netflix. I love the notion of mobilising and monestising my now inert collection of DVDs as spimey–blogjects, but I’m pretty sure that I can’t provide better a catalogue or pricing than…
UC Berkeley – Information & Service Design Symposium
Last month, Surj and I were lucky enough to attend UC Berkeley’s inaugural symposium on Information & Service Design at the iSchool. Unfortunately I was an hour late and missed the first group of sessions. Rich drove me from Burlingame to Berkeley…via, um, a circuitous search pattern, involving a wrong turn into Oakland, a slingshot…
How to host a product/feature design party
Ian forwarded me an intriguing post on rapid product design from Kathy Sierra’s Creating Passionate Users – How to host a product/feature design party. I love the contrast between a dry focus-group and a friendlier social session. The method looks just about complex as a regular meeting, but seemingly more inclusive, and more importantly, fun.…
The People’s Republic Of Happistan
Citizens rejoice! At noon today, the People’s Republic Of Happistan declared statehood! From this day forward… We will adopt The Go! Team’s Bottle Rocket as our national anthem. We will divide the responsibilities of state between the Presidency, the Houses of Fungress and the Chief Jest-ice. We will declare war on the Sindian Nation, overwhelming…
Undo-ing Cute
I’m blessed to be surrounded by an abundance of cuter-than-cute children in my life, so I insist that they un-cute themselves for me photographically when I’m taking pictures of them. They’ll learn to appreciate a Burton-esque aesthetic, celebrate non-conformity and, most significantly, make me laugh-out-loud 🙂 Here’re the most recent additions to my Gallery of…