
TweetstatsTwitterstats is a useful find from Fred Wilson, via Carl at Ensembli; enabling a Twitter user to visualise the usage patterns, simply by entering their screenname.

So what do the stats tell me about my own use

  • May, October and January appear to be my peak usage months; not much to be inferred here other than I seemed to get in the habit around Spring last year.
  • My twitters are largely concentrated in the afternoons and evenings of weekdays, sent overwhelmingly using Twitterific and less so by text message.
  • Unsurprisingly most of my direct messages are to Tarique, though I’m curious why friends like Aaron are low down that list; this may be due to the fact that Twitter’s one of the few communication services I use that most of my friends don’t, but my family do!

It’d be useful to see sparklines of this data on a Twitter profile page that then clicked through to Twitterstats. Actually, more useful would be to visualise the aggregate usage of the entire Twitter userbase…

Thinking about the nature of relationships within my Twitter social network, I think it’s safe to say they’re largely polarised around looser ties, than close friendships (for which I have other channels such as IM) and close family…though I think the large concentration of family members here is kinda a blip and not typical of Twitter usage.


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