Test! Blogging from Word
This is a test post from my beta edition of Word 2007 – finally a blogging client for my Typepad account!
Blogging from Word 2007 has it’s limitations – no inline images, you can’t import a previously publisehd post and it’s not really an editor, simply a publishing feature. Nevertheless, next time I’m blogging a conference, I can carry on working offline when the wifi blows!
I hope this is a precedent for Microsoft – extending familiar environments like Office applications to the emerging 2.0 ecosphere…but also for the industry to start offering service-oriented clients (blogging from Dreamweaver? an MT desktop) to make sporadically available web services more useful and usable when connectivity is scarce (yes, that still happens…)
The real test for Microsoft’s openness? Will Office:mac be compatible with iWeb 😉
UPDATE: Microsoft has just launched Windows Live Writer, a desktop authoring tools for blogs – with integrated maps from Live.com, photo manipulation and integration with Typepad, LiveJournal, WordPress, Blogger and others.
It worked man.