FooCamp 2007

…for the next six days, I’m back at the edge of the world. I’ve been fortunate enough to be invited back to Foo Camp for a third consecutive year…it was a little weird as some of my friends didn’t get a callback, but others got a re-vite, after a year away. I can’t wait 🙂 I […]

The Man Who Fell To Google

As promised, at around noon on Saturday 26th August 2006, Google chartered a plane to overfly Foo Camp at O’Reilly’s Sebastopol campus and photograph the event for Maps and Earth. Here you can see a cute banner on the grass, the camp site, some people splayed out for the cameras and – most significantly – […]

Foo Clips

I approached my time at O’Reilly’s Foo Camp a little differently this year, spending less time at sessions diligently taking notes and more time just hanging out talking to interesting people. Here’re my Foo Clips: Marvelling at the speed with which Collarity collated camper’s registration information, crossed it with content from the wiki and generated […]

Foo Time

Only eleven days to Foo Camp – here’s a map of where campers are travelling from and an aggregate feed of all campers’ blogs…I’m excited and anxious: A Tale Of Two Lists – as well as the privilege of being a sophomore Foo, I also have the added pleasure of being a member of the […]