Category: Design
Designers are notorious for never getting around to producing their own portfolio sites – the dilemma of the shoemaker’s children. Carbonmade has just made this a whole lot easier with a free service for creating and hosting online portfolios. Though portfolios (limited to 6 projects and 50 screenshots) can’t be customised, other than profile information…
Virgin Territory
Philippe Starck has been commissioned to design Virgin Galactic’s first spaceport in New Mexico as well as rebranding the company as it prepares for the world’s first commercial spaceflights. Find out more here and here.
The iPod and the Bathtub
frog design has recently launched its Design Mind column at gadget blog, Gizmodo. The inaugural article, The iPod and the Bathtub: How Products Shape Our Perceptions, attempts to understand the success of Jonathan Ive’s pristine white industrial design of Apple’siPod, iMac and iBook…by drawing a parallel with the shiny white porcelain of bathtubs and toilet…
Stamen Design
Yesterday, I met Mike Migurski and Eric Rodenback, the people behind San Francisco’s Stamen Design. Stamen is the company behind innovative visualisations of digital media, including the Flickr-powered Mappr, reBlog and the Vox Delicii. Stamen has an interesting philosophy, mixing innovative work for clients such as, BMW and the BBC with experimental visualisations…
Students exhibit tomorrow’s designs
The Show is The Royal College Of Arts’ annual exhibit of student projects. This year’s projects included: a smart urinal that reports STDs to your doctor; furniture that ‘breaths’ gently; a roll of pixel tape and a pixel roller for creating tangible information displays. And more… My favorite was Leslie Lau’s winning car design 🙂
Designing from the outside in
"Isn’t it curious how many of the applications and ideas getting the most buzz right now are coming from fertile collaborations between designers and developers?". He’s right. Tim O’Reilly attempts to deconstruct some of this relationship with 37signal’s Jason Fried here… Fried’s own advice is to "Start with the UI – there’s nothing functional, about…