Temples For Machine Gods

Perhaps its not a good thing for conference programmers to reveal their favourite speakers and sessions, but James Bridle's Where The Robots Work was my personal highlight from our programme at FutureEverything 2011. James' keynote explored how cities were reorienting themselves around our emerging information infrastructure, notably how the built environment was now as much […]

Virgin Territory

Philippe Starck has been commissioned to design Virgin Galactic’s first spaceport in New Mexico as well as rebranding the company as it prepares for the world’s first commercial spaceflights. Find out more here and here.

City of the future (and past)

Dean wrote… Interesting collection of images here, of alternate images of New York. The images show what the place could have looked like had certain events took place, either in ‘real life’ or in fantasy. Images are taken from films (AI, Metropolis), and architectural designs, etc. What’s most intriguing is Gaudi’s hotel design, which would […]