A couple weeks ago Nivi, a fellow FooCamper, laid down a challenge – to create an application that would interrogate a del.icio.us user’s bookmarks and return a list of the most frequent sources…in essence visualing the Long Tail of a user’s bookmarks.
Pascale Van Hecke answered the challenge (winning $50!). So here’s my del.icio.us long tail:
salon.com (27), wired.com (27), news.bbc.co.uk (24), imran.typepad.com (15), spiked-online.com (13), nytimes.com (11), flickr.com (8), news.com.com (7), wanadoo.typepad.com (7), longtail.typepad.com (6), guardian.co.uk (6), bbc.co.uk (6), telepocalypse.net (5), corante.com (5), foreignpolicy.com (4),
en.wikipedia.org (4), foe.typepad.com (4),
erickaakcire.net (1), turbulence.org (1), xtech-conference.org (1), 37signals.com (1), pleasurecards.com (1), rssmix.com (1), big-boys.com (1)
Surprisingly, my ‘tail’ is pretty long…from a distribution of 571 sources, only 48 yielded more than one bookmark – ranging from Salon.com to Ian’s personal site. It’d be interesting to see this visualisation, and others, built directly into del.icio.us as a concordance of a user’s sources, not just their tags.
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