Situational Hardware

Jaren Goh and Isamu Sanada‘s unsolicited conceptual industrial designs indicate a shift in the relationship between consumers and hardware manufacturers. Their respective, speculative remixes of Sony Ericsson and Apple products are often better than the real thing… In computing and media, trends in open-source, RSS, P2P and Web 2.0 are redefining those industries with the […]

A Grand Piano

This month’s Wired profiles Schimmel’s Pegasus Grand and Pegasus Upright – bold and astonishing remixes of time-honoured piano form factors. Where the Grand dreamily levitates several feet above the ground, the Upright is reminiscent of late 90’s era Apple…the iTinkle? Schimmel is a very traditional instrument maker, so it is gratifying to see such a company extending […]

The zen of technology design

Some interesting thoughts on product design and the visual launguage of digital products from Lenovo‘s design director, David Hill… Technologies have shrunk to the point where designers can make PCs look like whatever they want–toasters, cigar boxes or elephant feet. But should they? When you can make a computer look like whatever you want, your […]