ABCs Of Design

From Frog Design’s column at Gizmodo: A. Hire a competent designer at the C-Level in your company, and trust her/him to help integrate design into your infrastructure. Apple follows this model, as Jobs serves as the CDO (Chief Design Officer). He has a great aesthetic and works closely with his design team to build superior […]

From the Garage: Lessons Learned Birthing and Building Web Start-Ups

Mark Fletcher, founder of both Bloglines (just acquired by Ask Jeeves) and ONElist (now Yahoo Groups), presented a fascinating talk on what it takes to launch a startup in the online services market – notably how to design and build systems for reliability and scale and on budget. Fletcher’s talk was actually a useful compliment […]

VC Funding for Geeks; or, How to Get Your Technology to Emerge the VC Way

Marc Hedlund is O’Reilly’s Entrepreneur-in-residence – his session on VC funding used software development, coding and hacking analogies to illustrate the intricacies of securing venture funding for a startup business. Hedlund is a veteran of three startups and around a hundred VC pitches, so he speaks with some authority on the process. Though the idea […]

Lessons Learned While Building Basecamp

37 Signals promotes itself as an elite team of expert web design and usability specialists, dedicated to simple, clear and usable customer-focused design. Their Basecamp and Ta-da List take simple social software applications such as wikis and blogs, adapting them for enterprise users – applying the simplicity and intuitive nature of those applications to otherwise […]