
Carbonmade Designers are notorious for never getting around to producing their own portfolio sites – the dilemma of the shoemaker’s children. Carbonmade has just made this a whole lot easier with a free service for creating and hosting online portfolios.

Though portfolios (limited to 6 projects and 50 screenshots) can’t be customised, other than profile information and project screenshots, simply being able to create a portfolio within a few minutes is immensely valuable…and I’m sure customisation options and greater storage will come with time.

Carbonmade could evolve into a very powerful directory of designers, perhaps coupled with eBay-style feedback scores and a tag-cloud of skills. There’s nothing here that can’t be accomplished with personal site, blog or Flickr, but it’s a simple, elegant and very well designed application.

Incidentally, they swiped the name of our new company!

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