Author: imran

  • Leeds Travel

    Leeds City Council jumped into the mashup business last week with the launch of Leeds Travel Info, mincing up realtime traffic data, the city’s Urban Traffic department and BBC Backstage feeds with Google Maps and <dramatic pause> plans to integrate CCTV footage. Cute! Currently the map shows accidents, roadworks, events, parking availability, rail and bus…

  • Open Source: A Northern Way

    Last week, OpenGRC‘s Jason Woodruff convened the inaugural meeting of the Northern Open Source Interest Group. The discussion brought together the UK’s three Northern regional development agencies, Leeds Met University and some interested industry people; including me 🙂 The group sought to understand the state of open source across the North of England as well…

  • BarCamp Sheffield Snippets…

    This weekend saw the first BarCamp event in the North of England, organised by Plusnet‘s Dean Sadler at the ISP’s offices in central Sheffield. As a two-time FooCamper and part of the blogging conferenceratti, my expectations of BarCamp Sheffield were pretty modest, however I was pleased to see that startup culture and the 2.0 generation…

  • Corante: Mobile Messaging 2.0

    I just finished up my first trio of posts for Corante and Airwide’s Mobile Messaging 2.0 blog Locative Messaging and MIT’s Mobile Experience Lab ITP Spring Show 2007 Twittularity I’ll also be covering the Global Messaging 2007 conference for Corante next week, in Monte Carlo 🙂

  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars | Tales Of The New Republic

    I should like it, but I don’t want to 🙁 Lucasfilm previewed the new Clone Wars TV series at this weekend’s 30th anniversary of Star Wars. It looks great, but why remake Genndy Tartovsky‘s sublimely dark and kinetic better-than-the-movies interpretation? We’ll find out in Summer 2008 🙂 In the meantime, here’s a newly minted fan-made…

  • 23andMe

    When your mission is to organise the world’s information, the acquisition of blogging and video-sharing technologies is obvious; indeed your competitors seek to emulate your vision and do the same. Maybe you have to be crazy to look at a genome and see a web acquisition…we know those crazy enough to think that they can…

  • OpenCoffee Leeds – Cakes, Coffee, Code & Connectivity

    It’s ON! Head on over to OpenCoffee Leeds for details…in the meantime I’m thinking mid June (7/8/12/13/19/20) at one of the city’s big Starbucks (Albion Street, Briggate) or perhaps an indie place like Oracle or Arts. So far we have Ed French from Enterprise Ventures, Carl Rahn Griffith of and a handful of others…

  • Northern Lights

    This Spring+Summer look to be a bumper collection of tech industry events in the North; regional geekery seems to be snowballing… 10th May: Northern Exposure – a games conference organised by industry consortia in Yorkshire and the North East (I was due to keynote here). 13-20th May: Sheffield’s international festival of digital arts, Lovebytes, just…

  • Sicko

    From a review of Michael Moore’s Sicko, at… When Moore interviews Tony Benn, a leading figure on the British left, his larger concerns come into focus. Benn argues that for-profit healthcare and the other instruments of the corporate state, like student loans and bottomless credit-card debt, perform a crucial function for that state. They…

  • Zibahkhana: 28 Samosa Later….

    Awesome! Pakistan’s first extreme horror movie has just been BoingBoing-ed and my mind is reeling with punchlines and wisecracks. But, I’m kinda disappointed that the victims are expendable teens and not my home country’s crazy imams, power-hungry generals, CIA agents and the corrupted gentry…now wouldn’t that be subversive…allies in a War On Horror! Anyways, here’re…