I have an irritating habit – whenever I hear a three-letter acronym, my brain starts working on smutty, childish, innappropriate variations. Someone usually has to tell me to stop. In the last few minutes, Aaron and I ping-pong’d out the following from ‘LCD’…
- Lonely Cantankerous Drunk
- Lizard Cock Dunker
- Lovely Cock Deepthroater
- Lying Crap Distribution
- Lobotomised Curly Dome
- Likely Colored Door
- Love Can Doom
- Lauren Can’t Dance
- Lesbian (Cute) Dormitory
We deliriously thought that this’d make a fun web app – no wait…a game! A circle of players are assigned three letters, each have 10 seconds in turn to come up with something funny (other players ‘digg’ it), the player with the most thumbs up, wins the round and the chain is shared online. Dead simple, kinda like an online You Don’t Know Jack 🙂
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