I drive past the Centenary Square Big Screen, in my hometown of Bradford now and again. I’m irritated by the fact that these amazing civic displays are wasted as giant TVs…why not just put a huge remote out for people to fight over! Recently however, the Beeb is welcoming submissions for more interactive pieces…this kinda ‘civic software’ is something that Carbon‘s been interested in for some time…
in 2005, Mark pitched pri.sm to the city of York, projecting geotagged user-generated photos onto the city’s landmarks…
Mark and I also once discussed producing a Leodis-style archive of a place’s images over time, creating a living photo archive of a city.
I spoke to MySociety a couple of years ago on producing a visualisation of local MP’s voting records using data from TheyWorkForYou.com
Recently, Aaron and I recently helped Shahnaz Gulzar, a local performance artist, put together a proposal for a telephony-driven, fortune telling game for the big screen.
Tomorrow, I’ll be submitting a proposal for an application that lets users ‘Twitter’ the Big Screen. Inspired in part by Brady’s post on TwitterCamp a few weeks ago. BigTwitter will essentially play the role of a ‘civic screensaver’ for the big screen, showing a public timeline of what the city’s residents are up to…
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